Portrait of an Activist-Artist as an Aging Artist Activist, Community Art, The Politics of Tresspassing, (other contributors include Richard Schechner, Jan Fabre and Hans van Maanen among others) pp 136-146 Contribuições para a leitura adequada da Doutrina Christãa na Língua Brasílica da Nação Kiriri de autoria do padre jesuíta Luiz Vincencio Mamiani, de Ricky Seabra A Mapping of the The Brazilian Theater Scene by Ricky Seabra for the Dutch Ministry of Culture O Rio de Ricky Seabra no Ancelmo Gois, Jornal O Globo Critica de Avioes & Arranha-Céus em Le Monde Em breve: Artigo sobre o projeto Guggenheim na favela do Vidigal New York Times Magazine Entrevista com Laurie Anderson e Ricky Seabra ;-) Entrevista: Waar geen kunstenaar ooit ging, De Morgen, BE Coming soon: Interview: Where no artist has gone before Theaterfestival toont maatschappelijke bekommernis Kunst na de Crash Utrecht, Juni 2003 Kunstencentrum Nona Krant Airplanes & Skyscrapers Ricky Seabra kijkt als buitenstaander naar 9.11 The Aconvention, Liverpool, 2002 Interview: Necronautical Society Entrevista: 2001, a odisséia das artes no espaço Das Poetik Des Weltraums Article: The Poetic Potential of Space Interview: Can Art Break Sciences Monopoly Grip on Space? Interview: Moon with a View Interview: Building on the Moon NOVA, Dutch Television Article: When you see MIR re-enter Interview: NRC Handelsblad Pik het niet! Entrevista: Jô Soares 11:30 com Andrea Jabor
contato /comentários:rickyseabra@gmail.com Site inaugurado: 17 de março de 2000 atualizado 1 de janeiro de 2020 © 2020 Ricky Seabra