: : : Comments on the ISADORA Module : : :


Below are comments received by email about the ISADORA Module. Many were in response to an interview I gave to SPACE.com (read interview) If you have any comments you would like to make about The ISADORA Module please email me at yo@rickyseabra.com .

Even an engineer-Philistine can see that you are proposing something of great value here. I would have to say that the greatest contribution that manned space flight has yet to make to the world is in the arts, despite the fact that the vast majority of people who have travelled in space have little training in the arts and are generally not encouraged to explore the artistic and philosophic possibilities of their experiences. What you propose is really not a new thing, but an embracing of what we really already know: That the reason for people in space has far more to do with the human spirit than with specific technical benefits. If you have a mailing list, put me on it. I'd call my congressman for this idea. It's much better than any of the other reasons I've heard given for the ISS.

A Philistine, but not completely barbaric engineer.
Rich, USA

Personally, I'd jump at the chance to go. Not only is there the pecularities of space travel (weightlessness, close quarters, etc...) to play with, it would be a true pioneering experience. For the first time, an artist could look down at our planet and respond to it from an entirely new angle, both literally and figuartivley. More importantly, if our destiny is to live among the stars, we must begin to envision ourselves as inhabitants of space. To be able to begin that process as an artist would be a significant contribution to humanity, as well as an amazing personal experience. Technology and art have always sung a duet together...inspiring each other to greater heights- why not aboard the ISS?

Jeffrey, USA

I read on the Internet about your idea to break science's monopoly in Space to include the Isadora Module, a space for arts and humanities, in ISS. It is magnificent.

Norma, Mexico

The module is a great idea! I wish you the best of luck in your effort. I believe it is important.

Torrie, USA

I am a scientist trying to get aboard the space race. I love your idea for art in space. I think that it would be cool. I was reading the article about a place to relax and enjoy the artists. It reminded me of the scene in Space Oddessy 2001 where they all sit around and talk to relax. I hope your dream becomes reality. I think it will, but it is just a question of when.

"Toschie", Australia

Your project sounds fascinating and we would like to get in touch with you to do an interview about your work projects. Last year we did a feature with Michael Light about his photographic collection Full Moon, the result of being given access to the NASA moon mission archives. So interesting to see artists responding to space exploration and its implications. Good luck with your project. All the best

Olga, RTE-Lyric FM, Ireland

Hey what DOES "ISADORA" stand for ? (us techie types always want to know !) - she's a great person to choose as namesake for the module ! I've read her autobiography two or three times. Best,

Fred, USA

I read with great interest the article in Space.com about your ideas for space art aboard the space station I think sending artists to the station would be of tremendous benefit in widening both interest in Space and the boundaries of human expression. (É) I did not see in the article any mention of this type of "craft" artwork. I suggest that you consider glass-blowers and metalsmiths as possible candidates for your art module. While it is fun to speculate from the ground, only an artisan actually in Space and experimenting would we discover what kind of marvelous creations are possible.
Good luck with your efforts,

Clark, www.hobbyspace.com

OK. Here's my art in space idea for you - A reverse lava lamp. Don't laugh. You, the viewer would walk inside a double-walled tube structure and have the blobs flowing all around you. Personally, I think this would be cool. Unless the chemicals involved posed a "space atmosphere" hazard. I'd like to have a groovy lava wall in my home of the future with colorful blobs of lava goo flowing all around.
Also, carved lucite walls, with neon-tube accent colors (to highlight the carvings) would be ultra space agey. Jetsons - eat your hearts out!

Paula, Washington DC

Pretty interesting ideas. I must admit, tho', that I am one of the
scientist/engineer types, but I can easily see your point. You seem to be
fighting the same arguments given against computers with modern GUIs that
were used by the old-time professional computer people and their claim
that "A command line is more powerful and necessary." The same people
that once claimed that there would never be a need for more than 5
computers in the world.
Well, anyway, you seem to be into some interesting work. I hope its

James, USA

Ao longo da História, as expedições em busca de novos mundos, novas
civilizações, foram compostas por militares, numa primeira leva, e
cientistas em seguida. Depois de assegurada a posse do território, e as
possibilidades econômicas do lugar, era chegada a vez dos artistas. Só
que, me parece, eles vinham mais para retratar, descrever para as
côrtes, o mundo descoberto - algo desnecessário nestes tempos de câmeras
abundantes e repercussões online. De fato, creio que o seu projeto é o
primeiro a propor um papel sensível para o artista nessas
circunstâncias, a verdadeira celebração do espírito humano (seja lá o
que isso significa!). Deixemos, pois, as reportagens para os
jornalistas. Por outro lado, arte e ciência poderiam trabalhar em
conjunto na busca de soluções para problemas que hoje se colocam no
espaço. Que tal bailarinos e terapeutas corporais auxiliando astronautas
a compreender melhor os mecanismos que movimentam o corpo? Por exemplo:
uma das causas da "space motion sickness" em tripulações espaciais -
objeto de exaustivas pesquisas - é o movimento súbito da cabeça. No
entanto, um bailarino pode dar inúmeras voltas sobre o próprio eixo e
pousar serenamente. Vida longa e prosperidade, Ricky Seabra!

Orlando Nascimento, Brasil

send comments to yo@rickyseabra.com


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